School Meals
School meals are provided through Caterlink.
Meals cost £2.68 per day and should be paid for in advance. There will be three options for your child to choose each day (see menu below).
If you have pre-ordered your child's lunch and your child no longer requires it (i.e. is absent), you will need to contact the school before 9.20 am, so that we can cancel your order. Pre-ordered meals not cancelled before this time will be charged.
If your child arrives at school after 9.20 and you have not pre-ordered their school dinner, you will need to provide a packed lunch.
If your child has a food allergy and you would like them to be catered for, please let us know and we can issue the relevant paperwork necessary to get meals arranged.
Free School Meals
If you are or think you may be entitled to free school meals, please make sure you complete the application form below and send it to the Local Authority who will notify us of your entitlement. This is a worthwhile exercise even if your child is not likely to have school dinners as the school receives an amount of money, 'Pupil Premium', to spend on supporting achievement. When you register you will also be entitled to a free Sweatshirt or Cardigan and reduced fees for music lessons should your child wish to partake.
To Apply online use this link -
Free School Meal Application Form
Special Diet Menu Application Form