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Our vision:

At Craneswater, all children will become resilient, fluent mathematicians with an ability to tackle problem solving.”


Our key principles:
• All children can learn to do maths.
• Fluency, Reasoning and problem solving are embedded within each of our units across all year groups.
• Children are supported in their understanding through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract.

What does maths typically look like at Craneswater?
• Children are taught within mixed ability classes by their class teacher.
• Lessons begin with ‘fluency starters’ that encourage children to develop their mental strategies. They explore efficiency and discuss different ways of working things out.
• Concrete manipulatives are available in every classroom and are accessible for children to use as directed or independently.
• Children can choose their starting points in lessons and are able to move themselves on if they feel they are able to do something. Children complete 5 questions that are similar and are then challenged in more depth.
• Challenges are readily available for children to move onto at their discretion or as directed by the class teacher or teaching assistant.
• Children are encouraged to use the correct mathematical vocabulary and use their reasoning skills when answering questions. They are also encouraged to explain their rationale in tackling problems.
• Through their time at the school, children will develop their written calculation methods in line with the Calculation Policy.
• Additional time, outside of lessons, is given to teaching and learning multiplication facts. Children complete regular times tables assessments which are differentiated and aim to improve their score over time.
• Children enjoying maths and engaged in what they are doing.

Maths Activities at Home

Many of our parents have asked for some possible maths activities that they can do with their child at home to support their passion for maths. Here are some suggested activities and some resources that you can print off. Oral and mental work is beneficial and supports all aspects of maths teaching in school. The best rule is ‘little, often and varied’ so that your child is engaged. The most effective thing to do is to be positive about their maths learning and engage with your child about what they are doing, show an interest and question them on what they have learnt.


Mr McMaster – Maths Manager



  • Quick-fire times-tables and related division facts

  • Number bonds – what goes with …… to make …… Play matching pairs.

  • Doubling and halving numbers

  • Ordering numbers

  • Play card games such as pontoon, sevens

  • Baking – practising the skills of measuring and reading from a scale

  • Talking about time, e.g. How long is it until lunch time? The journey takes 2½ hours, when will we arrive? We need to be there at 2.00 pm, when do we need to leave home? Many children will still need practice with reading clock times, particularly minutes past and minutes to the hour.

  • Guess my number - This is a useful game for playing on a journey. As your child plays the game they will practise thinking about the order of numbers. Start the game by saying to your child ' I am thinking of a number between 1 and ??'. Explain that the aim of the game is to guess the mystery number by asking questions and that you will only answer 'yes' or 'no'.
    Children soon learn that it is more useful to ask "Is the number bigger than 5?" than to ask 'Is it 7?" Older children can progress to guessing mystery numbers up to 100 and can ask more complex questions:
    'Is it an odd number?'
    'Is the number a multiple of 10?' (e.g. 20, 30, 40)

  • Handling amounts of money when shopping, working out total costs, working out change, checking receipts.


Printable resources:


Online resources: 


All children have individual logins for this site. Please see your child's class teacher if unsure.

SATs Example Questions

In 2016, the end of KS2 assessment test changed from the old format to a new system of papers. As previously, there is no requirement for the children to use calculators in KS2. There are still 3 papers to complete in the week of SAT’s but they are as follows:


Paper 1- ARITHMETIC PAPER (30 mins) - to test the children’s ability to answer pure calculation type questions.


Paper 2- REASONING (45 min) – to test the children’s ability to apply their maths knowledge in a variety of different scenarios and problems.


Paper 3- REASONING (45 mins) – to test the children’s ability to apply their maths knowledge in a variety of different scenarios and problems.


Year 3

Autumn 1




Place Value to 1000

Compare numbers to 1000

Read and write numbers in words Add and subtract formally with 3 digits including exchange

Estimation of calculations

Use of inverse to check answers Mental arithmetic within add/ subtract

Solve problems including missing number problems

Mixed number problems involving 4 operations


Autumn 2




Add and subtract formally with 3 digits including exchange

Estimation of calculations

Use of inverse to check answers Mental arithmetic within add/ subtract

Solve problems including missing number problems

Multiplication facts within 3,4,8 times tables

Multiply and divide to TU by U with mental and written methods

Count from 0 in 4, 8, 50, 100


Spring 1




Multiplication facts within 3,4,8 times tables

Multiply and divide to TU by U with mental and written methods

Solve mixed number problems involving 4 operations and missing number/ digit problems




Add and subtract money amounts in context

Solve problems within money


Spring 2




Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml) Measure the perimeter of simple 2D shapes

Solve simple problems involving the above



Fractions into tenths Understand unit fractions with denominators

Find simple fractions of amounts


Summer 1




Use diagrams for recognising equivalent fractions

Compare and order unit fractions Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator

Solve mixed number problems involving the above



Recognise and use term angle Identify right angles within a full turn Identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel

Draw 2D shapes and make 3D shapes using modelling materials

Recognise 3d shapes in different orientations


Summer 2



Bar charts, pictograms and tables- solve problems within this context




Understand, use and compare measure within mass and capacity

Problem solving including the above and within 4 operations

Tell and write the time using 12 and 24 hour clock and Roman numerals Estimate and read the time to one minute

Seconds in a minute, days in a month including a leap year

Compare and record durations of time

Year 5

Number and place value: 
Order and comparing up to 7 digits
Interpreting negative numbers
Roman numerals
Recognising and finding numbers using various representations.
Addition and subtraction: 
Mental with increasing number size
Formal written methods 
Rounding to check 
Missing digit and multi-step problems 
Multiplication and division:
Mental, multiply numbers by up to 4 digits
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by 1 digit numbers 
Solve problems involving all four operations 
Comparing data, timetables and time intervals
Area and Perimeter: 
Measure and calculate perimeter of composite and rectilinear shapes,
Calculate and compare the areas of rectangles 
Multiplication and Division: 
Multiply and divide mentally 
Multiply and divide by 10,100 and 1000 
Multiples & factors 
Square & cube numbers
Prime & composite numbers  
Solve problems using knowledge of the above.
Compare and order fractions
Equivalent fractions 
Recognise and convert mixed & improper fractions 
Add & subtract fractions 
Multiply improper fractions by whole numbers 
Read and write decimal numbers as fractions and solve problems using the above.
Decimals and percentages 
Read, write, order and compare decimals with up to 3 places, recognise and use thousandths, round decimals and solve problems using the above.
Recognise % and write percentages as fractions & decimals.
Decimals – multiply and divide by 10,100 and 1000, use all 4 operations to solve measure problems.
Properties of shapes and angles
Position and direction- identify and describe the position of a shape following a translation or reflection
Converting units- Convert between units or metric measure, understand use equivalences between metric & imperial and solve problems using the above.
Volume- Estimate volume and capacity.
Use all 4 operations to solve problems.

Year 4

Autumn 1




Place value of 4 digit numbers Ordering, comparing, rounding 1000 more or less than a given number

Counting on/back through 0 Roman numerals

Addition and subtraction


Autumn 2




Length and perimeter

Convert between units of measure




Multiplication and division


Spring 1




Multiplication and division




Find area of rectilinear shapes




Equivalent fractions

Counting in tenths and hundredths Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator

Fractions of amounts


Spring 2




Decimal equivalents of tenths and hundredths

Dividing 2 digit numbers by 10 and 100

Comparing and rounding Equivalents of half, quarter, three quarters


Summer 1




Estimate and compare pounds and pence

Solve measure and money problems involving 4 operations




Interpret discrete and continuous data

Interpret information presented in charts and pictograms


Summer 2




Properties of shape

Identify acute and obtuse angles Classify geometric shapes


Position and direction




Read and convert digital 12 and 24 hour clocks

Convert between minutes, hours, days, months and years

Year 6

Autumn 1




Round any number to given accuracy Negative numbers in context Recognise numbers in a variety of representations

Order numbers with up to 3 decimal places

Add and subtract multi step problems to include missing digit problems and deciding what operation to use

Formal multiplication and division to ThHTU by TU

Common factors, prime factors and prime numbers

Perform mental calculations using all the above

Use estimation and inverse to check 


Autumn 2



Simplify fractions to lowest form Compare and order fractions including greater than 1

Add and subtract fractions with different denominations and mixed fractions

Multiply fractions writing answer in simplest form

Divide fractions by whole numbers Link fractions to decimals and percentages in context

Solve multi-step problems involving reasoning an a range of skills taught




Describe and plot positions in all 4 quadrants

Translate and reflect in context applying skills learnt


Spring 1




Work in decimals to times and divide by 10, 100, 1000

Multiply 1 digit numbers with up to 2 decimal places by whole numbers using an appropriate written method Solve problems with rounding to required accuracy

Solve problems involving percentages

Recall equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages




Use simple formulae

Understand use and find sequences including the nth term

Find pairs of numbers to satisfy and equation

Enumerate possibilities and combinations of two variables


Spring 2




Solve problems involving calculations and conversions of units

Use, read and write conversions of standard units involving decimals with 3 decimal places

Convert between miles and kilometres


Area and Volume: 


Recognise shapes can have same areas and different perimeters and viceversa

Use formula for volume and areas of parallelograms and triangles


Number- Ratio:


Solve problems involving relative sizes, scale factors and unequal sharing applying skills from other areas of math 


Summer 1




Draw 2D shapes given dimensions and angles

Compare and classify geometric shapes based on properties Recognise and use angles around a point and straight lines

Find missing angles and understand corresponding angle notation




Understand circles and definitions around them; then apply skills in problems

Interpret and draw pie charts Calculate the mean as an average




Summer 2


Real Life Maths


Theme park project



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